Mnemonic Code Converter & Seed Generator - BIP 39



You can enter an existing BIP39 mnemonic phrase. Or you can generate a new random one. Entering your own twelve words will probably not work the way you expect it to because the words have to be structured in a certain way (the last word contains a checksum)..

Generate a random mnemonic phrase: words, or enter your own below.

Derivation Path

Most BIP44-compatible wallets, such as Mycelium or Electrum, can import the extended account keys.

Derived addresses are based on the BIP32 derivation path and extended keys.

Use path m/0'/0' with hardened addresses.

Use path m/0'/0. For change addresses use path m/0'/1.

Use path m/44'/0'/0'. Only enter the xpub extended key into block explorer search fields, never the xprv key.

Can be used with

The account extension keys can be used for import to most BIP49 compatible wallets.

The BIP32 derivation path and the extended keys are the basis for the derived addresses.

The account extended keys can be used to import into most BIP84 compatible wallets.

The BIP32 derivation path and the extended keys are the basis for the derived addresses.

Derived Addresses

Note these addresses are derived from the BIP32 Extended Key

Enabling BIP38 means each key will take several minutes to generate.
Public Key  
Private Key  
Show starting from index (leave blank to generate from next index)

About Seed (Mnemonic) Generator and Converter tool

You can get a reliable and complex seed phrase on this page of our site. Here you have access to the best online tool that generates and convert mnemonic code - BIP39 mnemonic generator.

The presented software is a cryptographic generator of random numbers and phrases to create one of the main elements of protection for your crypto wallet. BIP39 Seed Phrase generator creates mnemonics quickly and easily and requires no effort. After creation, you need to write down the created words and enter them to restore access to your account.

With this script you can extract private keys from a mnemonic phrase.

Concept of the seed phrase

In the world of cryptocurrencies, it will not be possible to restore access to your assets without this mnemonic key. Other Internet services are tied to your phone number or email, and sometimes both. According to the ideology of the cryptocurrency world, such options are impossible, since they contradict three main principles: maximum security, impeccable and unconditional anonymity, and decentralization.

Only with the help of a seed phrase can you protect your hardware or software wallet, as this is considered one of the best ways to protect against theft and gain access to personal information by intruders. Such a code is almost impossible to crack.

Also, this method of protection relieves the owner of the cryptocurrency from the use of encrypted private keys, as it is the best alternative that provides reliable protection.

How to use BIP39 mnemonic generator

The BIP39 mnemonic generator is easy to manage. On this page, all the functionality of the program is available. Here are a few steps to help you figure it out:

  • The tool randomly creates a set of phrases that become a single whole mnemonic code.
  • The initial phrase will consist of a minimum of twelve and a maximum of twenty-four words.
  • The correctness of the received seed phrase can be checked using a special function of the program.
  • It is also possible to create a special complex code yourself. The software will remember all the entered words and generate a unique phrase that should be saved.
  • Important. BIP39 seed phrase generator is compatible with many types of crypto wallets and currencies, which makes it a versatile tool to ensure the protection of your assets.

    Use it in all cases, as it will allow you not to worry about security.

    In addition to all the above features, with the help of the presented script, you can set up the work of other programs associated with your software or hardware wallet (for example, Bip44).

    The presented seed phrase generator has more than two thousand words in its dictionary, which are ideal for these purposes. Carefully selected words in English are suitable for most "hot" and "cold" crypto wallets. Using phrases in other languages is not recommended (although there is such a possibility), as many programs will not work with these types of codes.

    A few tips for using the program

    One of the main advantages of this online tool is the possibility of offline operation. After generating the seed phrase, it is better not to leave it in the browser, but to copy it and save it on an offline USB medium.

    Another recommendation would be encryption the external storage medium so that no one can gain access to the mnemonic code, even if the drive is stolen or accidentally lost.

    You can also use this tool to safely convert mnemonic phrases and extract private keys from seed phrases directly in your browser.

    If you need a Bitcoin paper wallet generator, we recommend using only trusted projects.

    Anyone can use the program. Developers and software creators are not responsible for the loss of personal data, as well as theft, or other troubles that occurred during the use or after receiving the seed phrase since BIP39 is freely available and provided without any payment.

    Instead of output

    This page provides a full version with all the possible functions that you can use at any time and at your discretion. This script generates strong mnemonic encodings for your crypto wallets, however, the responsibility for maintaining its confidentiality lies with the owner.

    With this script you can extract and convert mnemonic phrases in a couple of clicks.

    Be careful and careful - keep the received seed phrase in a place inaccessible to third parties.

    We recommend that you read the instructions for use and all the precautions published on this page. Only after that, you can start working with the software. We are not responsible for any loss of the generated complex key.

    This project is 100% open-source code

    Get the source code from the repository -
